Solar Eclipse Viewing at ECS: Students Featured on Global News
April 9th, 2024

April 8th was a day to remember! The Grade 3 Entrepreneurs hosted an incredible event that brought the ECS community together to witness the phenomenal Solar Eclipse from our backfield. Excitement and buzz were in the air! 

In the lead-up to this momentous occasion, students had the opportunity to learn all about the eclipse. They met with legendary astronaut and scientist, Julie Payette, and were visited by Grade 1 parent and ophthalmologist, Dr. Amer, who spoke about the importance of protective eyewear. 
Although the eclipse has passed, our students aren’t done just yet! The Grade 3 class is leading the charge on collecting used eclipse glasses to donate to “Astronomers Without Borders,” an  organization that provides glasses to those who may not otherwise have a safe way to view eclipses. Donation boxes can be found in the Squash area and the main entrance.  Watch them speak about their initiative on Global News!
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